My Little Nightmares
A Horror Animation Short Film

Introducing “My Little Nightmares,” a spine-chilling short film that will take you on a journey through the dark corners of a child’s imagination. Directed and created by Victor Lin, this horror animation is a testament to his exceptional skills in 3D compositing, animation, and design.

The Terrifying Nightmares of a Child

In “My Little Nightmares,” the toys come to life when the child is fast asleep. But these toys are not the friendly companions we all remember from our childhood. Instead, they are twisted and deformed versions of their former selves, with glowing eyes that pierce through the darkness.

As the night goes on, the toys become increasingly malevolent, creeping closer and closer to the child’s bed. The suspense builds until it reaches a chilling climax, leaving the viewer on the edge of their seat.

Exceptional Animation Effects

With stunning animation and haunting sound effects, “My Little Nightmares” will stay with you long after the film is over. Victor Lin’s attention to detail and his ability to create a fully realized world in just a few short minutes is truly remarkable.

Victor Lin (Wei-Kang Lin)

Director / Editing/ Storyboard / Layout/ Rigging / Animating/ Modeling / Texturing / Lighting / Rendering/ Compositing / VFX / Music / Sound Editing

Join me on this journey through the darkness, and be sure to follow for more captivating and terrifying projects like “My Little Nightmares.”